We gathered together on a very warm, midsummer night for Luau 2015. The guests arrive and the party gets under way, the camaraderie and dinner were fabulous!
After the great feast, members participated in a brief general meeting, then President, Cathy Jahelka, presented the certificates and plaques to the members who together with their K9 partners earned awards. Truly a memorable and fantastic event :-D! Click on each of the photos for a larger view!
 Can never have too many table shots! |
 Members Kathy and Dean Spilos help with the feast preparations! |
 When asked to provide the sides, our club members always go above and beyond! Dinner is served! |
 Club President Cathy Jahelka and board member Kathy Spilos begin the meeting. |
 Conducting club business. |
 Our President hard at work handing out certificates and awards to owners for their dogs performances! |
 Club member and luau hostess Deborah Stern is about to receive her award for all of her dogs’ performances! |
 Enjoying food and festivities.
 Including the host canines in the award photos has become a club tradition. Pictured above from left to right, “Dante” and “Cheese” who along with their human hosts made everyone feel right at home! |
 Everyone had such a great time! Luau 2015 will be cherished for years to come 🙂 |
 The Award Winners! Pictured from left to right: Cynthia Binder, Kathy Spilos, Kathy Shepherd, Jill Brown, Cathy Jahelka, Sasha Baum, Barbara Fairbanks and Deborah Stern. Not pictured, but also award recipients were Kathy Torres and Debra Kaser. |
A very special thanks to member Deborah and Ellis Stern for putting on such a memorable club event. Everyone enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you so much, Deborah 🙂 We all just loved it!
➡ More Luau Pix Here!