Congratulations GSDCSGV members Sasha Baum and “Portia” and Cathy Jahelka and “Harley” for their performances at our April 2015 Obedience Trial!

“Portia” and Sasha not only earned a leg toward their Companion Dog Title but also won High in Trial.  In addition this team went on to complete their CD at the end of May 2015!  

Cathy and “Harley” gave beautiful performances in both the Open and Utility classes to earn the High Combined award for the day. 

Brava to Sasha and Portia, Cathy and Harley!  We’re so proud of you!

Sasha and Portia - HIT in April 2015 show

Sasha Baum with “Portia” being awarded High in Trial by Judge Kathy Moore.  The team competed in the Novice B class.


Judge Kathy Moore presents Cathy Jahelka and “Harley” the day’s High Combined award for their scores in Open and Utility classes.

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