Herding – 2014 Trials
The German Shepherds’ ancestral occupation so to speak remains alive and well in many of today’s GSD’s. We have various venues and styles in which we can train and test our GSD’s herding instinct. The purpose of non-competitive herding tests offers owners of herding breeds a standardized gauge by which a dog’s basic instinct and trainability are measured….(change text)
More Pics from 2016 Herding Trials!
A GSD Family Reunion - the Family Von Tagestraum - GSD’s From Left to Right, Tria, Evie, Caleb and Lia.Trial chair, Kathy Spilos and Lia taking a quick break to visit with friends. On the far left, Cynthia Binder and her mother Jane rest with new herding Champion,...
GSDCSGV Herding Trials 2016!
A Course Sheep on SundayA beautiful Spring day while still in winter - the California poppies are popping!More A Course SheepHigh in Trial run on A Course Advanced Sheep - Beverly Hudspeth and “Sweetie"Rhea vom Binderhaus with Cynthia Binder on Intermediate A Course...