Join the Club / Request for Membership

We are so excited you wish to join the German Shepherd Dog Club of the San Gabriel Valley!

As you may already know, the GSDC-SGV has been around for 46 years, filled with friends and fanciers of the German Shepherd breed. We take each potential candidate for our club very seriously, so please take a moment to complete the Request for Membership questionnaire below. A member of our staff will assist you promptly upon receiving it.  If you have not yet read our About section please take a moment to learn about our rich history.

Thank you for your interest! 


Request For GSDC-SGV Membership – Online Form

Please complete the following form to start the process for becoming a member:



    I am interested in joining the German Shepherd Dog Club of the San Gabriel Valley (GSDCSGV) and would like to receive a membership application.

    We offer the following membership options:


    First Name

    Last Name



    Address cont.



    Postal Code


    Tell us a little bit about yourself and your interest in German Shepherd Dogs:

    Which (if any) of our members has referred you to the club or do you know?

    Do you currently own any German Shepherds? Have you in the past?

    What type(s) of activities do you do with your dog(s)?

    What especially interests you about the GSDCSGV?

    What special talents do you and your dogs bring to the GSDCSGV?

    In which of the following club/dog activities would you be interested in participating: (select all that apply)

    ShowsObedience/Rally TrialsHerding TrialsCommunity EventsTrainingPublications (Website/Newsletter)AdvertisingHospitalityOther

    Preferred Application Method


    Enter the follwing code: captcha





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