Maya coming out of the hay bale tunnel in her search for the rat!

Lana, Rhea and Maya celebrating new titles, HIT’s and placements on the Barn Hunt Winner’s Haystack.

Caelia celebrating her HIT on the Independence Day themed winners’ hay bales!

At 11 years old, Fritz came out of retirement and thoroughly enjoyed finding his rat to qualify with a placement!
Recently our German Shepherds took a break from the more traditional performance events – obedience, rally, agility and herding – to test their paws and have some fun with Barn Hunt. Specifically Maya, Lana and Rhea along with their human, Cynthia Binder, joined Fritz and Caelia and their human, Kathy Spilos, at “Rat Tastic Con” – a two weekend Barn Hunt trial. Seems searching for varmints comes quite naturally to our GSDs, and they LOVE it! As Kathy and Cynthia were busy running dogs, they only got one shot of Maya on the actual course, however, when the trials concluded they couldn’t resist taking pictures on the “winners’ haystacks” to celebrate all the “Qs,” placements, titles and even several High In Trials.