
conf-CH Hessen's Cyd Charisse of Mariner 2014 NationalWhen a dog receives the “Best-In-Show” title or the honor of placing “Champion” before its name, it achieves that status during a Conformation event, the official name for a dog show. They range in size from small to large, casual to quite glamorous, however regardless of its appearance, the true purpose of conformation showing remains a way to evaluate breeding stock. The dog’s conformation—its overall appearance and structure—that can indicate the dog’s ability to produce quality purebred puppies, and the conformation judge looks for those qualities he or she considers the best and judges the dogs presented accordingly.  This, then, explains why only purebred dogs that have not been spayed or neutered are eligible to compete. Our club offers specialty conformation shows each spring and fall in conjunction with our obedience and rally trials.

Be sure to check our Calendar of Events for upcoming dates and info!

Showing and Trialing Dogs

By Deborah SternI love showing in the specialties and the all breed shows, but I get so darn nervous! I can be miles away and know my dog is in the ring and my stomach still feels like it is the first day of kindergarten all over again!! That never changes. I guess...

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