
Maya-whole-hoop-2If one has watched performance competitions at all, no doubt one of them included an AGILITY event with its colorful jumps, chutes, tunnels, hoops, dog walks, A-frames, teeter-totters, and festive atmosphere! Designed to demonstrate a dog’s willingness to work with its handler in a variety of situations, AKC Agility involves a decent degree of athleticism on the part of both human and the canine athlete!  Both participants – human and canine alike – require conditioning, concentration, training and above all teamwork in order to complete the agility courses.  When a team performs a course correctly, truly it appears like a beautiful dance as dogs and handlers negotiate an obstacle course while racing against the clock. It offers a great form of exercise for both the dog and handler and proves an attractive starting point for the novice handler and canine. Although many people start this sport “just for fun” and “something to do with their dogs,” several soon find themselves succeeding and subsequently “bitten” by the agility bug and become lifelong competitors! 

Be sure to check our Calendar of Events for upcoming dates and info!

Lana Earns PACH!

Lana Earns PACH!

Member Accomplishment! BIG congratulations go to Cynthia Binder and "LANA" (Lana vom Binderhaus) who achieved her Preferred Agility Championship today (PACH). In addition to earning an Agility Championship, last year Lana also earned her Herding Championship, making...

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Lana Does It Again! Standard Agility Run – 2 Videos!

Lana Does It Again! Standard Agility Run – 2 Videos!

In our group, we just can't enough of all of our dogs performing!  That said, we all know that Lana is a shining star 😎 In this post, we are featuring two videos of Lana; the first one is and outdoor “Standard Agility Run” doing all the different apparatus - chute,...

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Lana Does Agility!

Lana Does Agility!

Meet Lana vom Binderhaus who in addition to herding, obedience, rally and therapy work also loves it when her human, Cynthia Binder, DVM, takes her to agility shows. This video shows Lana doing an extra special job in her Master’s Jumpers Course (JWW) over the Labor...

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