In Memorium
Rainbow Bridge
“Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.” – – Author Unknown
HC PAM Juno vom Binderhaus: CGC, CGCA, CGCU, THDN, TC, CDX, RE, HT, HSBsd, HSAsdc, HIAsd, HXAsd, HXAsM, HSCs, HICs, HXCsM, BH,TR1, HCT, JHD, HTAD1sg, HTD1s, HTD2sg, HTAD2sg, HTAD3s, RLF1s, RLF2s,RLF3s, AXJ, AJP, TDI, OFA H&E. (CHIC) Top 10 ATAA Sire 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 – GSDCA 2012 Herding Victor!
June 21, 2007 to February 19, 2019
Juno was the handsome gentle giant –fierce enough to scare away strangers, a lap dog for those he knew and loved. Juno was the most immensely talented herding dog and our journey together in the world of herding took me places I never thought to go. Quiet, steady, and always by my side…..I will miss my main man! Cynthia Binder and Mariano Lopez
Kubistraum Safice Alberta “Allie” CDX, RE, HSAs, TC, CGC (September 4, 2007 – October 21, 2018) Owned, trained and loved by Linda and Larry Pejsa. Linda says, “Our beautiful Allie wonderfully represented the love and loyalty that German Shepherds give their families. Funny, trustworthy and oh so smart, she was our faithful companion, wonderful with our children and grandchildren – a true caregiver to all!” Linda adds, “I like to think that Allie and her best friend Quigley are once again playing together and loving each other just as they used to do. Dear, sweet Allie we’ll remember you always, and you will forever remain in our hearts.”
Fritz vom Binderhaus “Fritz” CD, RAE, BH, TR1, HT, PT, HCT, THD, CGC, TKN, AKC Achiever Dog (February 17, 2005 – August 20, 2018). Owned, trained and loved by Kathy and Dean Spilos. Kathy says of Fritz, “He fiercely guarded his home and protected his people with gentle strength and a kind spirit. Our story is one of adventures and accomplishments, of lessons learned and friendships made, of trust and so much love! Run free and strong again my big, handsome boy – my guardian angel at Rainbow Bridge!”
“Caleb” – Major Pointed – Excalibur vom Tagestraum CDX, PCDX, RE, GN, PN, BN, U-CD, CGCA, CGCU, TKA, Therapy Dog, AKC Achiever Dog
January 8, 2012 – March 20, 2018 – Owned, trained and loved by Cathy Jahelka. Cathy says of her best friend, Caleb, “my versatile, beautiful, baby boy you were taken away too soon – only six years old – with so many of our goals left unaccomplished. RIP my sweet “little” man! You’ll always be a Champion to me!”
Kubistraums Quigley CDX, RE, HSAs
October 3, 2007 to March 15, 2018 – His humans Linda and Larry Pejsa give thanks for their life, experiences and adventures with Quigley. As Linda says, ” He was beautiful inside and out. He loved everyone and was a joy to be around. He especially loved his humans, their children and grandchildren. We’ll forever remember the joy and sparkle in Quigley’s eyes.” Together with Quiqley’s lifetime GSD companion, Allie, Linda adds, “We’ll love you always Quigley, and of course you’ll be in our hearts forever.”
High RPM Aus Dem Traumblick “Harley” UD, VER, GN, TC, HIC, CGC, Therapy Dog – January 11, 2008 – June 19, 2016 – Owned, trained and loved by Cathy Jahelka. Cathy says of Harley, She was my heart and soul dog and a once-in-a-lifetime companion and friend. We had so many adventures which included traveling and competing with her in Utility in 2013 and 2015 at the AKC Obedience Classics in Orlando, Florida. I will always cherish my memories of our travels especially her smiles, tail wags and a lot of talking whenever I said, “road trip!”

Owned and loved by Pam and Eric Slimko who say, “Cody was the love of our lives. He blessed our home with joy. We know he’s waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge.”
Sonoma Spilos vom Binderhaus “SONOMA” RN, RA, HT, HCT, BH, TR1, TR2, TT, TC, CGC, TDI/October 23, 2000 – October 22, 2010 – Owned, trained, and loved by Kathy and Dean Spilos. Kathy says of Sonoma, “My stunning red lady and soul mate whose voice awakened a long too quiet household and introduced me to the world of dog sports and amazing adventures – our angel at Rainbow Bridge.”
Bala vom Binderhaus “BALA”, CGC, CDX, RE, HT, PT, HSAds, BH, AD, TR1, TR2, TR3, HTAD1s, HTD1s, TDI, Top ATAA dam 2008 – 2014 and #1 ATAA dam for 2011, 2012 / October 23, 2000 – June 23, 2013/ Owned, trained and loved by Cynthia Binder, DVM. Cynthia says, “Bala was and remains my heart dog – and she opened the door to all my future achievements.”
Covy Tucker Hill’s Valentino II “ARGUS” CD, RN, BH, CGC – Owned, Trained and Loved by Cynthia Binder, DVM, February 14, 1998 – January 5, 2008 – Cynthia says Argus was “My long awaited very FIRST German Shepherd Dog”
Rancho Rhein’s Nerilka “KATIE”, CGC, CD, RA, BH, AD, TR1, TR2, SCH2, KKL2, Top 10 ATAA dam 2007, 2008 / July 26, 1998 – May 18, 2009; Owned, trained and loved by Cynthia Binder, DVM. Cynthia says, “Katie-Lady, my foundation female for Binderhaus Shepherds and my first Schutzhund dog.”
Special recognition to club friend Caba v. Herzensfreude, SAR/February 19, 2005 – February 17, 2015 – owned, trained and loved by Jodi Thomas, and his breeder (our special friend) Kathy Moacanin, Herzensfreude GSDs.